Soooooooo many possibilities...!

Hello folks :)
Humbly request to tap into the vast experience and knowledge that is the Audiogonners history.
What preamp and/or phono stage would give a really nice soundstage, and sound, with my equipment?
Said equipment consists of a pair of McIntosh MC1000 amps, a pair of McIntosh XR200 speakers, and a Denon DP 59L turntable.
Audio Research Ref 6 has not sold me, and, wonder if something else out there may sound better...  Also, is an Audio Research Ref 2 Phono a good route to go?
Thank you:)
Maybe a Simaudio 740p. Should have a more carved soundstage than a Mac. Little less midrange richness , but a liitle bit more energy ( prat) in the sound. Personnaly I prefer the Mac  midrange , as I find this bold  warmth perfect for my music tastes...acoustic jazz with brass and saxophone... can listen louder without ear fatigue.
Hello tomic601.  Yes, Audio Clasics took very good care of me too.  And they were great to be around as well (no snobs:).  Re: your ref 6 inquiry.  It seemed to be trying to get to a bigger stage than was being heard.  The sound was making its way outside the speakers towards walls (big stage) and some sound "location" seemed to be where it was trying to be.  It just did not pull it all together...  for around $15k it needs to pull it together... although, in all fairness it could have been the room too...  it was not the best.  Still, for that kind of money, I'd expect more.
Hope that helps and thanks for the recommendations.
Hedgehog and Matt M.  Wow.  The positive feedback that has been hitting me in the face all day with regard to Manley Labs... it is really getting me curious.  No dealers in my area... may have to make it a roadtrip!  :)
Atma-Sphere MP-3...?  Tell me more Hedgehog...
Here's another recommendation for Conrad Johnson for your front end.
I have the tube LP260M se's and also a ss mf2550 SE, paired with an ET5 preamp and an ET3 preamp, respectively.  CJ has stopped making SS amps, but they are great quality, offer really nice sound, and are very reliable.  Paired with a tube pre amp (each of which uses a 6922 tube) produces full, balanced sound with a nice soundstage and dynamics.  I really couldn't ask for more.  And, no, I don't work for CJ.  I just think they are periodically overlooked and shouldn't be because of the quality, sound and being made in the USA.  Cheers
Hello fsonicsmith.  My buddy has the ref 6.  Thinking they were Copperheads or Taipan"s...  in any case they are not "stock" cables.
Will try to read the balanced cables thread you memtioned tomorrow sometime.  Thanks for that heads up.  Fyi  ARC.  They do have quite the reputation.  A strong established one... but, does it overshadow what might be some other excellent gear is my curiousity... so, I'm hunting:)  All day today people kept referring to Manley Labs as a "boutique" audio company... while at the same time praising them.  Dealers visited today, that do not carry Manley Labs, yup, praised them... and would not have said a word about them if they had not been asked about....  David and Goliath going on here?  Need to know more!