Sorry, it’s not me, it’s you?

I’ve tried everything, but it didn’t work out.  My speakers suck.  Different cables, different music, different placement, it didn’t matter what I did.  When I replaced them with some old standbys(after burning in the new speakers for over 60 hours), the magic came back.

i just bought the speakers 2 weeks ago at the Black Friday sale, and I finally realized it was a big mistake.  So today I took them back, and frankly, I feel relieved.  
Has anyone else had this experience with speakers or components?  Maybe even after a couple of years?
I bought my first pair of speakers when I was in my 20's. I was a music lover, but inexperienced when it came to mid fi stereo equipment.

I went into a high end store in Palo Alto in the early 70's, and
as I recall, I listened to just a few speakers. The pair that got my attention were the Infinity 2000A Electrostatics in beautiful rosewood. The salesman played Tea For The Tillerman, Cat Steven's voice was clear and powerful, I was sold. Plus my wife loved the rosewood.

I was driving the Infinity's with a Sherwood receiver at about 80 Watts per channel, not the best match, but I was young and.......   

After about a year, I began to tire of the bright sound signature of the Infinity's and traded them in on a pair of SAE speakers, but that is another story.

I wouldn't say the Infinity's were a mistake per se, but a learning experience.
Very true, ericsh, as a matter of fact, I presently have a pair of Infinitys that have a bright sound signature, and they probably sound great on the right gear.  But on the wrong gear they can be painful.

I've got several pairs of speakers, and bought the Infinitys used about a year ago just because they were big and cheap, Infinity Primus 362.  I've got 2 Adcom amps, on one they sound better than on the other.  The worse sound is fatiguing to my ears, and makes them ring if I turn it up for a while.  

BTW, the original speakers that I mentioned returning because of the poor results are discontinued Energy CF-70.  

And as to my room, no it is not treated for acoustics.  It's carpeted, with a fireplace on one side of my seated position and a bookcase on the other.  Ceiling is 7'6, room is 10'10" by 18.  But it has no rear wall, it opens into a larger room that is about another 18' by 15, with higher ceiling(weird basement).  I sit about 9 feet away from the speakers.
I have nothing else to compare to as  we live on a farm in the country. Everything I have purchased sounds awesome. Except this Lou Reed album "Winter At The Roxy, The 1976 L.A. Broadcast". What a piece of reproductive garbage. And I love Lou Reed but that LP is horrific. It's all perspective.
I’ve more regrets from what I’ve sold than from what I’ve bought.

Or maybe it’s just nostalgia.
The worst mistake were the second set of speakers that I ever owned. I was in high school so that is my excuse. It led me to really research my buying habits, and consequently the next speakers I made myself. They were some of the best (in the bass mostly) that I have ever owned. It has been a pleasure owning lots of different types, brands and models. Would do it the same way again.