There is a substantial amount of performance to be found if an individual can find the idea of not buying Branded Products as a Turn Key Item.
The BOM for such Branded products constrained by their marketing pricing, can leave the bulk of the models quite limited in how they produce music at a Particular price point.
Your own budget is tight and will catapult you into this area of product when investigating options for both New off the shelf products and won’t get you much further from these product types as a used purchase being investigated.
When on a tight budget and if willing to buy assembled equipment supplied as a Kit built by competent individuals ( Caveat Emptor), or alternatively by investigating the cost of assembly from a competent builder and purchase the kit, the VFM on offer from this route used for purchasing and achieving a end product can prove to be substantial.
My experiences have shown a very competent EE has supplied a built Modulus 86 for between $400 - $550. I know from experiences had of the 86 Model in comparison demo’s it holds it own against Amp’s up to $8K in value.
The Bigger Brother Amp’ the 686 I have heard in comparisons it hold its own alongside Amp’s close to $50K in value.
The Kit Speaker Brand I have added is one I am not familiar with, but again am Familiar with certain models of Kit Speakers and have no doubts of the Capability.
A proper thought out Kit Design will usually need to be compared to Branded Models costing close to 6 -10 x the Kits Value, to get to the place where a parity in performance is recognisable.
I would like to think a Speaker Build to suit your space and Power Needs are able to found assembled from the CSS Kit range for between $500 - $1000
For approx' $1500 there will be Two Components brought to the System, that would need approx' $10K spent to find Branded Turn Key items to compete similar to them.