SOTA cosmos turntables

I am looking at the SOTA cosmos turntable. Has anyone compared it to a Brinkmann balance, SME, AVID, etc. ?
The Sotas sound terrific, but if you ever need to send it in for repairs (or order a new one even), you'd better have the patience of a Saint.
Looking for advice from fellow SOTA owners. I have an older Sapphire with Premier FT-3 arm and Benz MC20E cartridge. In 2005, based on their recommendations I had SOTA install a composite arm board, modify the sub-chassis, replace the bearings, reglue the mat/added EAR and add a large drive belt. Table sounds pretty good but now I want to bring my analog set up to another level.

What do you recommend I do to get the wow factor that I'm looking for? Can I get it on a limited budget of $1,000. Is a cartridge upgrade (for example, Benz Glider) the way to go or do I need to bite the bullit and buy a SOTA with vacuum, like a Star? I personally don't think my table justifies a better arm. But if I'm wrong, please tell me.
You have a great tt/arm combo. upgrade your cartridge and later you can raid your 401k and buy a cosmos with a triplanar or sme V or graham and a ridiculously expensive cartridge and then upgrade the rest of your system and build a purpose designed listening room. Thats what I did.
Merry xmas
Rccc -

Would the move to a Star with vacuum hold down be a big improvement over what I own? If so, I'd consider trading in my table and buying a refurbished Star directly from SOTA. Is the Glider a good choice or do you have another cartridge that you'd recommend?
There is NO way you'd be sorry if you added tha vacuum feature,but thee are alot of very valid options in analog.

I think you are going to have to make the decision for yourself.

Good luck