For what its worth...
The Sota can handle all the arm you can afford. The Rega type arms including several companies that make some truly great arms, are an easy solution. With Origen Live, the solution to the arm hole problem in an MMT board was a supplied dole rod and sand paper. Donna at the Sota shop will give you any advise you need. Replacing the better arm board is "pricey" and I would recommend investind that money in a tone arm upgrade if you can work out a deal with the original seller. The Sota shop also does a rather reasonable upgrade to the Sota table to version 5 status that is well worth the money. With the upgrade and a $3000 OL tonearm and Ortopon Jubilee I have more tt than I had ever thought possible for the money. The folks at Sota are great to work with.
The Sota can handle all the arm you can afford. The Rega type arms including several companies that make some truly great arms, are an easy solution. With Origen Live, the solution to the arm hole problem in an MMT board was a supplied dole rod and sand paper. Donna at the Sota shop will give you any advise you need. Replacing the better arm board is "pricey" and I would recommend investind that money in a tone arm upgrade if you can work out a deal with the original seller. The Sota shop also does a rather reasonable upgrade to the Sota table to version 5 status that is well worth the money. With the upgrade and a $3000 OL tonearm and Ortopon Jubilee I have more tt than I had ever thought possible for the money. The folks at Sota are great to work with.