Soulution 725 or Robert Koda Takumi k10?


I'd like to replace my Mark Levinson 380 and next week I'm going to listen to the Soulution: I've never had this chance. But what about the Takumi? Have you ever experienced one of those ? What do you think ?


@renatocomes ,

I agree with @jond, if at all a possibility try to listen to them prior to purchase (I know, easier said than done, especially the Robert Koda). Given your additional comments I feel even more sure the Koda Takumi is your better choice.

Thomas Mayer products are custom order projects and heirloom quality (With cost commensurate). He can extract great sound from any tube and certainly from a DHT tube. My line stage uses a DHT (101D) and it sounds exquisite.

Given your described tastes and music preferences the Robert Kodak Takumi 10 and the Thomas Mayer choices would leave you ecstatic with musical joy! I am not dismissive of the Soulution but in my opinion it moves in different sonic direction entirely. Best wishes in your endeavor.



Post removed 

I don't have experience with any T. Mayer product.  The Koda is an excellent choice.   A Nagra HD replaced the Takumi.


Good luck in your search, 


And yet another would replace the Naga HD with the Robert KodacTakumi 10. The eternal beauty of High End audio, choice.



I have actually owned both preamps. Here is my ads when I sold the 725 and the Robert Koda was sold to a friend of mine.

They sound almost polar opposite from each other. The 725 is much more analytical sounding will the Robert Koda is more romantic sounding. There are both very good preamplifiers but the Aries Cerat Incito S and Aries Cerat Impera 2 preamp are another level in every regard with much better voltage output which helps control your amplifiers better. In my opinion there are levels when it comes to audio and the highest level of electronics we have heard, as a company, and individually is Aries Cerat.
