Sound of transformers in preamps?

Many of the highest rated preamps around seem to have transformers in the audio chain. The Dude and Coincident tube preamps seem to kick ass when compared to other tube amps and the solid state McCormack VRE-1 is sometimes considered to be the best too. All of these preamps are said to have transformers. Is there a sonic difference with the transformers? What is the subjective difference?
Generally resistors base pre will have more dynamics and midrange than transformer pre. but transformers will outshine in areas like transparency and detail, just my 2 cents. i think it would be hard to notice their musical differences between the two if they are both well design, you need to strain your ears to hear the differences, i guess.
BTW, are you sure Dude has transformers in signal paths?
Not sure at all that the Dude has transformers in the signal path. I just remember on comment in this forum where somebody mentioned it. I haven't seen anything official.

I got curious and searched Audiogon for ‘Dude’ and ‘transformer’ and found a comment by Grannyring where he talked to the Dude designer Paul. He said that Paul didn’t like transformers in the signal path. I guess I was wrong about the Dude.
