Sound Stage and Imaging

I love speakers who 'paint a big picture' (I am literally closing my eyes and trying to SEE a picture). Therefore I THINK I like to see IMAGING and BIG SOUND STAGE. And also like DYNAMICS.

Being frugal (just not willing to spent audiophile level money on it), I love to persuit 'bang for buck' solutions in general.

With above goals in mind for a speaker: what hits the marks in the low fi (audiphile scale) $2k (used or new) budget range. (I have 2 setups: one HUGE room, one 20x20).


@grislybutter thanks for the list/table. I am benchmarking against my Nautilus 804.

And which CSS are you referring to? the one in the table CSS Criton 1TD-X?



@mijostyn I was partially kidding with the screws. Just a bit unusual to see them as exposed as they are in any speaker over say $100 pair. Most would make the REAR panel removable (with 'under' mounted bass driver). 

Kits: not afraid at all. build quite a few back then (very nice finish Eton 10 (in the 80's; GREAT sounding Focal Onyx (still dreaming of it, actually though about recreating it). Recently my sub: