I can cook great, but baking requires too much accuracy for me. @mahgister still took offence due to my previous comments about headphones. Anyway you can enjoy music is fine by me. Music lovers and audiophiles are two separate groups although you can be both. Believe it or not I know audiophiles who are not music lovers. They are sound lovers. Most music lovers are not audiophiles (Thank God).
If you are building your own loudspeakers you are most definitely a true audiophile in the best sense.
Magister, you are over analyzing me. I am a simpleton, a rather rude one. Blame my parents.
254 Hz is middle C! 350 Hz is well into the mid range. RAISE THE CROSSOVER POINT for the subwoofer. Get it around 100 Hz and you will improve your speaker's headroom dramatically. If you are using one subwoofer 100 Hz might be a problem. If you can locate the sub by ear the best solution is a second subwoofer. If you can not do that drop the crossover point one step at a time until you can not locate it. This also assumes you are using a high pass filter on the main speakers.