Soundstage gone

Hi guys,
I was really happy with the sound I had from my system until I decided to upgrade my turntable to MC stage. What I had: Linn LP12 with Lingo 3, Akito tonearm and Adikt MM cartridge. The amp is MA2275, speakers B&W 802. Recently I upgraded TT with Radical power supply, Urika MC internal phono stage, Ekos tonearm and Kandid cartridge. My amp has only MM phono stage, so tried to plug the cords from the table into other available inputs: CD2, tuner or DVD. The sound was amazing but the soundstage almost gone. I was shocked. There is no more splitting sounds between speakers and all the records plays as mono. Is there a way to fix that? Forgot to mention: I have a dedicated power line and my cables AQ Hurricane, AQ Oak.

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Do an xperiment.  It will cost you about $150. 

Buy a Schiit Mani, configure it for MC and feed the phono out into the Mani, instead of the Urika.  Feed Mani output to your amp.  If the sound improves, it is the Urika's problem.  If the sound is the same, it is the cartridge's problem.

Guys, everything is back to normal. I hear amazing sound with incredible soundstage. And I feel guilty little bit. I assume what has happened. I haven't use my system for 4-5 months. From the beginning it was Covid time, than I have been awaiting for upgrading which took more than 2 months due to high demand of Karusel from Linn. On that time I was listening my tube tuner from backup system. Yesterday some signs of soundstage started to appear after full day of listening. I left on TT and amp for overnight and a half of the day today and now it sounds unbelievable. It just needed to break in. Thank you everybody for your help. 
I'd hate to pay for it, but the specs for separation over 35db are Superior! And tight .5 db balance

You ought to be getting a rock steady center, and wide, occasionally too wide image. It will improve after 30-60 hrs, however it should start out very impressive.

Who set it up? I would definitely check EVERYTHING, 

"Another notable innovation in Kandid is the angle of the mechanical body and the tracking angle of the cantilever which have also been moved from 23° to 20°. This means that when it’s placed under tracking force on the LP surface, the flux lines remain symmetrical, ensuring that mechanical forces on the coils and iron core remain equal in all directions, avoiding any deformation".

I changed my VTA, and in-advertently loosened the bearings of the arm. Discovered it, fixed it, Nirvana regained.

check EVERYTHING! It should/will sound magnificent.
Careful there, Iviv.       Some naysayers will try to have you shamed, silenced and culturally cancelled, for even mentioning burn-in/break-in.     Happy listening!