SP Tech Timepiece 3.0-Dynaudio C1 comparison?

Anyone fortunate enough to compare these two speakers? If so would like to hear your opinion.
I have a pair of 3.0's on order. I am only aware (through a post in another forum) of one other pair that are actually in the hands of a lucky owner (I don't know him). As of now, there are no dealers who have any in stock that I know of, so the odds of getting a comparison between a 3.0 and ANY other speaker is going to be tough. When I get mine I will give a thorough review, but until then we can only hope someone might see your post and chime in.

If you google sp tech, you will find several dealers. tweekgeek.com, response audio to name a few. Also contact 4sptech.com for a list of dealers or a dealer near you.
No real-world experience with the SP Tech's, but they look interesting enough to peak interest. Certainly familiar with the midbass driver it incorporates.

As a Dynaudio dealer as well as owner of the C1's in my own personal system, the C1 is near and dear to my heart. When driven by appropriate amplification, there are few monitors or floorstanders for that matter that can better it's imaging and silky highs. They are simply wonderful smooth sounding monitors. If it lacks anything, it would be in bass depth. Personally, I run stereo subs in my system, but many 2-channel purists love them as is.
You can read quite a bit of discussion about SP Tech's at Audio Circle forum. I think their Timepiece Mini's will best the C1's in bass response and dynamic range. I think they are about $3500.00 a pair with what looks to be a superb finish. Happy trails.