Speaker alternatives

I was musing about my speakers and thought I'd invite you to muse along with me.  Most of you know a lot more than me.

Presently I have Revel Ultima Studio 2's, powered by an Ayre AX-5 Twenty.  They are about 2 feet out from the long wall of a 19x14x9 room, about 7 1/2 feet apart.  The sound is excellent, focused but spacious stage, extended, dynamic, resolved, musical.  I might prefer a little bigger room, but sitting position near the rear wall allows for good integration of the sound.

So what's the problem?  Well, none really.  Mostly curiosity, but I may be moving to a little smaller place upon retirement and I was beginning to think of alternatives.  Recent listings that caught my eye included Thiel 2.4's and Vandersteen Treo CT's, slightly smaller floor-standers.  I recently borrowed Harbeth HL5+ and found them pleasant but lacking in resolution, extension and dynamics compared to what I have and enjoy.  Nice, but not for me.

I listen to classical, bluegrass and acoustic music, classic rock and blues, jazz, etc.

Thanks for your insights and suggestions.

Well that's certainly a tough act to follow, and you've got a couple good options there already (obviously moving down the Revel line would be a no brainer).  Have you heard time/phase-coherent speakers before?  I had the Thiel CS1.6es in my system for a bit and I can certainly appreciate the allure.  Only thing I'd mention is I found even those smaller speakers to open up and sound better with a beefier 200 wpc amp than my 125 wpc amp (although mine doesn't quite double into 4 Ohms as yours does, but still...).  They certainly sounded great even with my amp, but just something to noodle over with the 2.4s.  Thiel owners would obviously have better info on this.

For other options with a smaller footprint I'd certainly put the Joseph Audio Perspectives on the must audition list as well as something from the ProAc Response series (if the K series is too much).   Although it's new and so an unknown, I'd think the Magico A3 would give the Salons a good run for the money in a smaller size.  Given Magico's reputation for detail, on paper this might actually be the best potential substitute for a Revel-type sound.  Anyway, FWIW...

Not sure where you are located, but you should try to go to an audio show like Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Colorado, or Axpona coming up next month in Chicago, and identify speakers that really knock you out.  Keeping in mind 1) the room you're going to have and 2) the importance of the amp/speaker interface.
Soix, I have owned and enjoyed Thiels, but I have not heard the 2.4’s.  I recall a number of folks on the Gon saying that they thought the 2.4 was their favorite Thiel.  Just as both you and Keith have suggested, I am trying to be mindful of compatibility with my Ayre, which I intend to keep.  That was the main reason I thought to post this.  I appreciate you both taking the time to reply and for any other suggestions you might have.
Vandersteen Treo CTs match extremely well with Ayre and are easy with Closer wall placement. This pairing, especially with live recorded music, is superb and at all volumes yet still very cohesive at lower volumes.
 dealer for Ayre /Vandersteen