Speaker cable arrows???

I bought a used pair of Silverline Audio's Conductor cables. Plugged them in 
and was very pleased with the neutral sound I was getting. Bare wire to the 
speakers, and bananas on the amp end. Then I realized that the arrows on 
the cables where pointing towards the amp. OOPS, I reversed the path 
direction, and couldn't hear any difference. Zero.
My preference would be to have the bananas on the amp end.

Can I disobey the arrows, and run the cables effectively backwards?

Oh my!   This question really gave me a start . . directional speaker cables?!  I didn’t check for arrows — did I do this WRONG!   Odds are good . . . Yes!  I messed up, again!

Then I remembered that my cables are for bi-wiring and there is only one way to connect them.  That was a close one!
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The signal energy travels down the cables in one direction >>>> from the source to the load, (amp to speakers), in the form of an electromagnetic wave.
@jea48 dude, you really might want to take a remedial physics class. I will ask again: please explain to me exactly how to make a passive conductive cable with unequal impedance.
My simple point that Kaitty can’t understand is that the component wires and traces will NEVER be checked for "directionality" because in that context it simply doesn’t matter...at all...dude!
I just love Audiogon. In my emails there is occasionally a thread I can’t resist. This one is a perfect example and it amazes me that someone would ask this and then others might entertain it as a serious topic. It’s kind of like driving down the road and seeing one of those little cars covered in SJW stickers. I always want to pull up next to them and see if they have three eyes or something.