Speaker Cable for Krell and Kef Loudspeakers


I have just bought some new loudspeakers, Kef Reference 207/2, to use with my Krell FPB 400CX power amplifier. I currently have Transparent MusiLink Super speaker cables.

Unfortunately, I am going to have to move my system around and will now require, for some time in any case, 7m (23 feet)speaker cables - my existing cables are only 3.5m (12 feet).

What speaker cables would you recommend?

Just as importantly are there some cables you think I should avoid as they are not a good match for the Krell and Kef's?

Any feedback greatly appreciated.


The 8TC is very likely the best buy in high end cables. My Cardas Golden Reference is better but you would need a government bailout for that much, especially if you biwire or triwire. I would get the Kimber in 100' lengths and make up my own.
Reality, Anti, Morrow, Mapleshade, Grover Huffman, Signal.

Those tend to rate better than Kimber or Goertz, but of course it all depends. As for Cobalt they went out of business a while back... probably why no one mentions them anymore.
You could go with Transparent Brick cabling or ask Transparent if you could work something out with them to meet your needs...tell them Dave Borda from Pa told you to call them (ask for Brad).