Speaker cable suggestions for B&W 800 Diamond

Hi all,

I would like to replace my old cables that I used for my 802D.

in 2 weeks the new 800 Diamonds will arrive.

need the best and chip cables.

some one told me to use the Kimber TC8 or TC12 I need at list 20M.

Thanks for the Suggestions

Interesting argument about getting as much tire on the road, as it were, with multiple lengths of mediocre 12 ga cable. The problem with the idea is that one of the most revealing and musical cables is the Omega Mikros from Mapleshade, the center conductors of which are 54 ga. In case you're wondering, 54 ga is about the diameter of a human hair. So much for the more the merrier theory.
@ Marakanetz, Thanks for the kind words on my money savings of the Taralabs omega gold speaker cable!,, BTW,@ Geoffkait,, The Taralabs omega gold has seperate runs, one for the positive, and negative,Each run is 4 gauge!, this should suite the ops 20 meter run!, very exspensive!, I would not be able to afford that!,LOL!, like I said, I have 6ft cables!they stretch out enough to give me the sound stage I desire!I am Happy with the sound, I suppose thats what counts!, Happy Listening to all!
I was able to buy directly from Kimber 12TC bulk wire remaining 10' for $80 and that's what I use now ha.