Speaker cables for Magnepan MG3.6Rs mid/hi

I'm in the process of biamplifying my Magnepan 3.6s, and I'm considering Goertz MI2 between my Quicksilver V4s (tube amps) and the Maggies. I've heard mostly great things about these cables, but was wondering if anyone had other recommendations.

-- Nils
for the money MI2 is very hard to beat and I think they should work well with tubes

i prefer audio note lexus wire but at much more money
Save yourself a ton of money and order the Clear Day solid Core Silver Shotguns. Do a search here for his ad.
I agree with Philjolet and Gmele.
The Goertz MI2 is a huge bang for the buck that works extremely well with Maggie’s and was designed to work with 4 ohm speakers. It’s a match made in heaven. I know for a fact that it’s extremely hard to hear the difference between speaker cables that cost several thousands of dollars (blind test) and the Goertz MI2, when used with Maggie’s.
Been there done that.