Speaker cables if your amp isn't between your speakers

Hi, I'm hoping for some advice on upgrading my speaker cables. My amp (and the rest of my equipment) sits to one side of my speakers. This means one  speaker is about four feet from the amp, and the other is 10-12 feet. I'm thinking of upgrading my speaker cables and it seems I either need to buy a set of cables 10-12 feet long or buy cables that can be ordered to length.  Buying a matching pair will obviously cost more and will be less tidy. Ordering specific lengths seems to decrease the choice significantly (at least in Australia where I live). I'm interested in what others have done in this situation. Spend the extra and deal with the mess, or go custom. My speakers are Wilson Audio Duette series 1 and my amp is a Plinius integrated. My current cables are the base model anticables   Thanks in advance. 
The other option is to place a custom order with your local audio dealer. I got custom Audioquest cables ordered through my dealer.  
 What cables did you get? I am using a set of Rockefellers, but Johnny said I should move up the line. I forgot which series he recommended.
Cables matter, no question about it.  I affirm the sonic delight of the Dueland cables if you want to twist them up yourself ,and either their 16 or 12 ga. wire would be wonderful and is very affordable.   Another excellent and affordable cabel is Supra wire.  I re-cabled my main system with the Supra Ply 3.4 wire and it was a vast improvement over my Mogami cables.   There are a coupe of iterations up the food chain in the Supra line of cables from the Ply 3.4 that might better suit the finesse of your fine speakers.  Just my take.  Whitestix
I saw on PCX , they have Duelund hook up wires of "silver foil & silk / oil "(version 1,2 and 3 ) also . Do you think they will be worth to go for compared to " copper &cotton / oil "  , assuming additional cost is within budget ?  In short , will they bring additional benefits ? 
If they are foil type , will it be a problem in hooking them to the binding posts ? 
Another really terrific speaker cable is the Audio-Envy NV-SP5.  Very reasonable price and notably improved the sound of my system.  The owner (Captain) is very easy to work with and has a I believe 45-day return policy if not happy with them.  They are very flexible and you can coil up the extra for your closer channel.  I'd recommend getting them the same length.  Happy Listening !