This is the third time that I have given my own speaker wire solution on Audiogon. First I connect a one foot pair of MG Audio D esign top of the line speaker wires to my Martin/Logan SL-3 speakers. These are the very same speaker wires tht Arnie Nudell and Pul McGowan personally use on their own audio systems. A one foot pairgoes for $900. Nordhost offers their own .6 meter pair for $16,999. As my audio system sits to the right of my chair, I require a long pair of overall speaker wires. OK, beterrrn the one foot MG Audio Design speaker wires attached to my speakers and my amplifier, I am using 3, instead of only one, 18 gage Jenna Lab's 18 gage hook up wires from the MG audio Design wires and my amplifier. That is 6 total, 17 foot length's of the Jenna Lab's 18 gage hook up wires for my left speaker, and 6, 10 foot lengths for the right speaker. That is 162 feet total of the Jenna Lab's wires. Oh yes, they go for $6 a foot. That is it. Total cost under $1900. And it works. It really works. Actually for over 30 yesrs now I have been experimenting with difrent wire combinations to attempt to create a really top of the line speaker wire for a modest cost. I first learned about how the internal wiring of a speaker can affect audio reproduction from a Ken Mavrick who used to run a audio shop in West Hollywood California in the mid 1980's. He was using Randall Researcj hook up wires at thr time. He next went to Cardas, next Kimber and then Purist Audio Design hook up wires. About 10 years ago I got back in touch with Ken and learned about Jenna Lab's 18 gage hook up wires. About 10 years ago I was able to get a one foot pair of Shunyata's then top of the line speaker wires for free. I began experimenting using them and Jenna Lab's hook up wires in combination. Then I learned about MG Audio Design spesker wires, and that they were avaliable for a modest cost. The rest is history. All I know is that my present wire combination really works. Not having the top of the line speaker wires to compare them to, still it is readily apparent that my solution works. Actually, having both a Day/Sequerra FM Studio tuner, as well as a McIntosh MR74 tuner, they are all I need to prove my point. Living in Boulder Colorado with KGNU and KUVO, plus two exceptional rock stations on the right side of the dial-I do not even require a so called high resolution audio source to prove my point.. I am retired and home most always. Anyone wishing to check it out, give me a call at (720) 550-6908. It is very easy to demonstrate. By the way, it only takes minutes to put the whole speaker wire combination together. It is so simple. Overall, I cannot imagine any other speaker wire, or speaker wire combination that can come close to my presrent srtup-for the money. It is as simple as that.