Speaker Cables : Moderate priced

I am about to embark on upgrading speaker cables ( long over due ).  Currently use Tributaries 12 awg UL copper cable.  I need a long run for one speaker ( about 20 feet) and this has impacted the budget.  I hope to spend around 1500 dollars.  Looking for a musical tonally rich sound.  I am not a detail nut.

Looking at the usual options:  triode Wire, Audio Art Copper, Ice Age, Luna cables to name a few.

Wonder what the crowd has experienced in this price range; and open to new suggestions.


Life long DIYer, been running nothing but Canare interconnects for around 25 years and never bother with anything else, cheap to build, sound superb in mobile and home audio, single ended and balanced. I have never tried their speaker cables, just used the proper gauge of OFC and been quite happy but will have to give the Canare a try, cheap to build as well and I bet I like them just fine. I build my own speakers and can tune them to sound how I like, no need to spend big money to make my system sound different. I do prefer a neutral, balanced, smooth sound, why I normally use tube amps and AKM based DACs.

Canare 4s11 is a good cable. Its fault is in omission. It’s not as extended and doesn’t have the separation and clarity of the AU24SX but it sounds decent.
I think Dueland might be a better choice.

Moving up the DIY chain would be the Neotech NES-3002 but it’s a pain to terminate ( need to be patient). Scroll to the bottom of the page. 

Keep both left and right channels runs length identical


Mogami  3103 or 3104 for speaker cables,  and 2549 for interconnects. Excellent quality and performance. 

Mogami is the cable you use when you either sold your good cables and have the mogami as a backup to hold you over, or are listening to the system that’s on the level of mogami…low-fi or lower tier mid-fi. It has no place in a good system as it will limit its potential. 
I personally prefer Canare 4s11 speaker cables and Blue Jeans interconnects to any Mogami including Studio Gold. They sound fuller and more natural to me.