Speaker Choice ?

My family room size is (18feet width) (22feet length )
(20feet tall)speakers will face length measurement.
speaker price looking used around 5000.00 whats my best choice. What tube amp with your speaker choice.
If you decide to look at wide dispersion speakers, be sure to include the Gallo Reference 3.5s for audition. They have about 300 deg. dispersion with a truly magnificent tweeter coupled to very fast carbon-fibre midrange modules. These can be found gently used on Audiogon for right around $2,000 /pr. - an excellent price for these world class speakers...

speaker price looking used around 5000.00 whats my best choice.
My favorite question and my favorite answer...

The best choice are the speakers that sound best to you, are within your budget and can be properly driven by your amp!

So start auditioning rather than asking a bunch a strangers on the internet. Or are you more concerned about buying whats popular rather than whats best for you?
I’m sorry, but need to chime in here. I’m really tiring of the plethora of lazy, and often rudely worded "suggestions" by quite a few a’goners that go something like ... "just listen and don’t worry about what other people think". Instead of reacting so thoughtlessly/robotically please stop to consider the many things you know nothing about when offering up this wise-@$$ "gem of knowledge". The suggestion has never helped me and not sure what good it does for many others.

It seems to me just another form of bullying that keeps people from wanting to get involved.

Getting others’ opinions on ... *anything* is often an excellent way to discover one’s own opinions and clearly a great way to acquire knowledge whether useful or not. This is how we all learn starting with tying our shoes, choosing our friends, deciding on choices for how we’ll live our lives and yes purchasing things! We don’t have to agree with *anybody*, but that doesn’t mean their opinion doesn’t help us decide.

And what about the fact that some people just don’t have the $$, time or convenient location to "audition", as if that’s an easy thing to do if they did?

If ALL one can do is spend an entire weekend reading Audiogon forums they will ...
- get a feeling for who is respected/well received here
- get a feeling for which components and ideas are well received
- get a feeling for which members might have similar rooms as theirs
- get a feeling for which members might have similar tastes as theirs
- possibly make contact with some real live audiogoners!

What an outstanding way to start! Now you have 30 things you’re interested in listening to and YES - RESEARCHING FURTHER AND AUDITIONING IN YOUR OWN HOME rather than 1000 that you knew nothing about. Can’t speak for anyone else, but that weekend right there saved me tens of thousands and months of travelling the world looking for *adequate* ways to audition all those components, most of which would be a waste of time and money because I didn’t like them or they were much more expensive than something else I liked just as much!!

Thanks for resurrecting a thread that is now close to a full year old.  I wonder if the OP got his new speakers by now?  

Oh, stop the bullying and censorship and get back to listening. Just because you want to believe you speak for others doesn't mean you do.    

I'm well aware of the age of the post, and have noticed others on Audiogon who prefer to respond to worthwhile posts long after the last posting. Why? Possibly because it's the first time they saw the post? Maybe they have something to say (hopefully worthwhile)? Maybe the post is relevant to them and others NOW? Maybe most people just don't care as much as you do?

If Audiogon decides to leave a post open then it's OPEN. Regarding this post:

- it's a general topic about speakers in a big room - a lot of people are interested in this topic even if they don't have a big room
- the comments here can be applied to anyone asking the same question EVERY DAY. In that sense this one never ends

See what you did? Got me all kinds of fired up. I think I'll search on McIntosh now and re-resurrect all those re-resurrections that are overdue. Better bring your posse.