Speaker choice? need advice.

Equipment: Music fidelity A5 integrated amp MH 25.2 cdp. I am currently looking for speakers. Music is 75% rock and 25% jazz (Larry Carlton and the like). Budget is 1500.00 used. Small room but looking for big, clear wall of music! My listing area is very close to the speakers (6’) and will be about (5’) apart. Back of speakers are close to the wall.

Can the Thiel CS2.2 or the Mono Pulse 42A work well in this situation? Ideas, comments?
As a long time owner of Thiel speakers (Cs2, Cs2.3, and CS2.4), I can't recommend Thiels close to the wall or less than 8 feet from the listening position. Try something else. Good luck!
Scotthobby is right on. Thiel's need at LEAST 1' from the back wall, 3' from corners, 8' apart and 8' from the listener. "Try something else.".
If the back of the speaker must be close to the wall , look at speakers that do NOT have a rear port .