I try not to insult people but giving them ARGUMENTS and sometimes article of science...
this article is ONLY ONE of more i could have posted here to answer your post about soundscape limited to be ONLY between speakers never filling the room outside of the speakers plane like in my experience....i posted a research paper in ACOUSTIC by three non marxist japanese ACOUSTICIANS explaining some aspect of LEV ... Insulting them will no do great for your reputation and image here...
You dont know what is LEV and the correlative with the ASW factor in acoustic it is OK, relax.... But dont insult the messenger : me or the acousticians from Japan... Japan has great acousticians by the way guess why?
I gave you arguments in my posts , you NEVER answer them save by insults or silence...
You are not ashamed to be seen as an ignorant with an answer like that to my post with contain arguments and a research paper explaining some aspect of the acoustical phenomena called "listener envelopment factor" which it seems you dont even know exist ?
i apologize to you for my criticism because it is evident you are UNABLE to understand what you pretend to understand, but an equalizer manual dont equal acoustic experience AT ALL....Like i said already an equalizer is a limited TOOL not an acoustic device like a mechanical Helmholtz resonators set...You can tune some aspect of the sound with an electronical equalizer yes, but you cannot tune a room for the speaker. . The electroncal equalizer is not a part of the room like a mechanical equalizer is...
I did not pretend to know much more but i EXPERIMENTED two years with complete success in my room and i understand why.... This is the reason behind my posts about the importance of acoustic: passive material treatment but also mechanical control via Helmholtz method of a room...
@mahgister , I am "incredibly" honored that you think I am wrong and what trash can did you find that paper in? LEV? Give me an FN break. FBS is more like it. I think you need to stick to philosophy. You might try Marxism.