I have been thinking about giving one of these amps a try at some point. Ayre is often recommended for Vandersteens, so I'd suggest the VLR-CT with the Sub 3.
speaker recommendations for Ayre V-5xe?
Hi All,
I recently picked up this amp used and have a Lumin T2 connected direct
I'd like to try a couple of standmount speakers in the 5-10k price range that would be considered an ideal match for the amp to really see what it can do
open to all ideas, was thinking Dynaudio heritage specials, the new Fritz Purifi model, Bowers 805d4
will likely get the Ascend Sierra-2EX v2 to start as it is relatively inexpensive and then go from there
really seeking a specific model if possible that is known to have synerygy with this amp
thanks in advance