If you can afford Wilsons you can afford to have them set up by a dealer.
Kind of harsh. Maybe the budget was stretched to get the Maxx's, maybe he lives far away from a deal and it will cost thousands to get someone out, or maybe he just doesn't want to sepnd the money even if he can afford it.
In any event, the room placement suggestions are all good and all follow the same lines as Wilson's setup guide. but what you really want to do is set them up by Wilson's method if possible, and DIY if you can. How to go about this? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??????
OK, Ta Dahhh!!!
Wilson Setup Guide
Enjoy and let us know how it turns out. I set up some spare B&W towers in a large empty room in my house and the lack of wall reflections made them sing. I really want to use this setup guide when I move my main system to a dedicated room.