Speaker upgrade help needed: 4500$ used

Like you all I have the upgrade itch and have decided that the speakers are what I want to change out next.

1. My goal is the most holographic soundstage and best imaging I can afford at this price range
2. I have no preference between bookshelf and tower speakers
3. I have no bass requirements as I currently live in an apartment and wouldn't want the bass to annoy the neighbors anyway!
4. Resale value and demand is very important, so rare/old models or companies that come out with new versions/revisions each year are out of the question.
5. My next speaker upgrade probably wont be for 2-5 years
6. Appearence isn't important, although I'd like to keep a reasonable footprint for the speakers
7. This is for a 2 channel only system

My current system:
Tyler Reference Monitors
Plinius 8200 mkII integrated
Muse model 9 Sig version 4 (cdp)
Ridge Street MSE gII interconnect
Harmonic Tech ProAC-11 powercord
Signal Audio biwire shotgun speaker cable

Current room is 14x18, but I do consulting work and move every year or two (so not shopping for room specific speakers!)

The cd's I've been playing a lot of lately:
Cyndi Lauper - At Last
Patricia Barber - Cafe Blue
Cowboy Junkies - Trinity Sessions
Paul Simon - Graceland
Peter, Paul & Mary - 1st LP
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Steely Dan - 2 Against Nature
Laureena McKennit - The Visit
Fleetwood Mac - Fleetwood Mac and Rumors

I have enjoyed the Tylers. They are my first step into home audio unless you count NHT SuperTwos. The Tylers were an ENORMOUS step-up from them in terms of clarity, seperation, imaging and soundstage. However, they dont get me to the toe tapping, emersed in the music state that I am looking for eventually.

My ear and audio vocabulary isn't at a point where I could say what I would like to improve upon or what in particular I'm looking for.

Speakers I'm considering:
B&W N 803
SF Electa Amator II
Merlin VSM-M
Aerial 10T
Von Schweikert VR4 JR
Martin Logan Request

any of these stand out above the rest?
any to remove? other recommendations?

Thanks for any help!
I think you should give Vienna Acoustic Beethoven a try. I owned a pair of Beethoven almost three years and still loving it. I listen to a lot of jazz...Diana Krall..Patricia Barber, Mile Davis...!!!!
Silverline Sonata 3 used if you can find them. I listened to them at CES 2005 and they were AWESOME.

The list was around 7000 if I remember correctly. They were ahead of the VS 4Jr, Usher 6311, Gallo Ref 3s, Green Mountain Callistos and a host of other very worthy contenders.

After that-- yep-- Magnepan 3.6s would be a great choice too.
All good choices.I vote for the Merlins,they have soooo many positives,good luck,Bob
The new Gallo's are toe tappers with the soundstage and imaging you are looking for. Better yet they are below your target price new. A friend has these and they are very good.
With the music you have listed, and with very deep bass not being a primary concern, and with wanting a holographic soundstage and imaging, you would be a very happy camper with ReQuests I'll bet .

I still enjoy mine and have no plans to upgrade other than to get the gen 2 panel at some point. They are great speakers for the money and I think you are looking at more like 2200-2500 for ReQuests in the used market.

Don't know if they will hold value as you wish.

Have Fun