Speakers and amplifiers show audiophiles are confused.

An audiophile buys a pair of speakers for $50K or $100K then asks what amps make them sound best. That’s about as smart as marrying a girl without knowing her personality. What are the specs that will insure your expensive new speakers and amps will work optimality with each other? There’s got to be an app for that, well no there isn’t because there are too many variables and companies don’t present their specs in a standard ways. Why is it that speaker and amplifier manufactures don’t recommend specific amps for their speakers? Beyond power, impedance, and making your own crossovers how do you choose amplifiers to get all the potential out of your speakers?


Interesting.  @ghdp...   got it again. Mfrs need to steer clear, just wattage, etc.

And unless very inexperienced, most audio buffs understand hard to drive loudspeakers and the amplification requirements, at least so far as power and stability are concerned. 

Also agree w/ @audiotroy so far as the order of system construction should occur.

And as regards 'in-your-face' loudspeakers for concert reproduction, I like my ears. But my 'polite' Raidhos will move you around the room if you want to boogie.




@dave_b Wrote:

@ghdprentice Was your pinky sticking out while you were writing that response? We are contemporaries but I have never been satisfied with constraints. Live music lives and breaths dynamics…tea totaling doesn’t quite do it for me. Whether it’s Shostakovich’s 5th or Coltrane’s A Love Supreme, I need to feel it and connect to it …it’s a contact sport baby!

+1 I agree 100%! 😎



When you are at Axpona please try and stop by Bob Carver corp at booth 1643 , Bryston at booth 556. Carver has new tube amp and preamp and Bryston has the active speakers and the SP4 Home Theater processor (that will also act as an active crossover) that make an end to end system.

That’s why it is futile to try to do an app for pairing audiophile equipment, not so much of a problem for professional equipment.

You dont need an app. Most speakers are between 4-8 ohms. The power of the amp can be as high as you like provided you dont abuse it. The power can also be lower than what the speaker needs if you dont listen loudly. So as you can see the requirements for matching are not hard to achieve. 

As for the sound quality, this is not something which can be matched other than using trial and error because nobody knows why amplifiers and speakers sound the way they do.