As in another post I have a problem with bass response(not enough).I tried moving the speakers around to about every spot in the room with always the same result.My question is,is containing the sound in the room important for low frequencies ?My ceiling is made from wood frames with speaker cloth over them so it looks like a drop ceiling .Above the drop the floor joist and insulation would be visable so a lot of the sound leaks out.any help would be great.Thanks
Where did you get speaker cloth from? What price? Please share. Drop ceiling with speaker cloth seems to be super great acoustic treatment idea. It may realy look like lack of power or just speaker limitations.
Marakanetz,The cloth can be had at any fabric shop.In my area there's one called Joann fabric'...As in your comment to my thread It's going to be hard to get more Power unless I move to the 1000 watt monos I whould think 600 should be enough.My speakers are full range and go way low..I heard these in another room with what I would say was subterranean bass....but not in my room..
AHA! I've had the SAME problem hearing a subterranian bass in different room but not in the listening room. What is the distance from the rear wall? I had this problem percistent up until I moved mine at least 3' away from the rear wall.
I had "acoustic fabric" installed on my ceiling in a dedicated sound room and it sounded terrible. The room was way too dead sounding and everything improved when I got rid of it.
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