Speakers and Stands. What do you use between them?

Hello to all.
I have a pair of JM Labs Electra 905's on lead shot filled stands with rubber gasket material between.
I have been thinking of changing the rubber gasket material with something else.
Rubber bumpers? Cones? Blue tack? Both? or something else?
I listen to Jazz, Female vocals and Rock (nothing Heavy or Hard).
Any help with this would be welcomed.
Thanks, Rick.
Ag insider logo xs@2xramond
i used to use blue tack until i read that blue tack smears the sound. didn't realize this until i removed the blue tack. the article recommended using a piece of wood between the stands and speaker. i tried this and I noticed more detail and at first, a little leaner sounding. after playing multiple albums and cd's, I still get the full range sound just much more detailed.
The Wal-Mart stuff is in the stationary section and is for hanging posters and for keeping hung framed pictures level.
I go the other way. I use Aurios to decouple my Silverline monitors from my Osiris stands. It opens up the soundstage incredibly. There's no way to think why this should work, it just does - try it if you get the chance and see.
Sorbothane is ideal in my book. If it's done right, you can couple the speaker to the stand for low frequencies to get very tight bass, but isolate/damp the cabinet at higher frequencies (this is possible because the resonant frequency varies with strain). Cost is about $25 to buy a strip from mcmaster.com - item 3462K12 - and it just needs to be cut to size depending on the weight of the speaker. Several people on audioasylum and hometheatertalk have followed my suggestions and were very impressed with the results. Email me if you have any questions.

Audiopoints.... .2's and APCD discs or 1.0"s and APCD discs..You want to couple so as to drain away cabinet resonance..Other means only store and impede the flow of unwanted energy leaving a bluuurrrr..loss of resolution and dynamic contrasts..Tom