Speakers for 3K

Just want some opinions on used speakers for around 3k. They will be used for 50/50 2 channel and 5 channel. I have a Denon 3808 to drive them. Here are the choices:

1) KEF Reference 205 (not 205/2)
2) Kef Reference 203/2
3) Pioneer s-3ex
4)Devore 9
5) Revel F52
I don't mean to start a debate, but I must say I owned the Tyler's before and found them dynamically compressed and overly polite sounding. Fit and finish was very poor as well. Just want to share this.
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Ar first I experienced what Bjesien did with the Zus. But once Zu set them up properly the fatigue factor disappeared. (Not saying that was Bj's issue, just relating my experience.) Setting these up properly is very important. Improper toe-in did sound piercing.