Speakers for a large room for around $1000

I am moving soon into a new house where the main room is about 12x14ft with a vaulted ceiling up to the second floor (maybe about 15-20 ft high).

I am looking for 2-channel stereo speakers exclusively for music. I don't really play my music that loud, but I do like the music to really fill up the room. I'm not a huge audiophile (meaning I'm not going to spend a lot of time analyzing or obsessing over my speakers)--- all I'm looking for are some good solid speakers that have a good frequency response (and might sound good with a tube amplifier).

My budget is about $1000. I could stretch that up to maybe $1300, but I'd have to be convinced the extra is really worth it. I'd also really prefer to have new speakers, mostly for the warranty. Though again, I could be convinced otherwise if it's worth it.

I've considered speakers from a whole bunch of manufacturers, i.e, Paradigm to B&W, Axiom, DefTech, Klipsch, Polk, etc, but due to my geographical location I'm really not able to demo many, so I'm stuck trying to make this decision based on online reviews. It's tough for me to separate audio speakers from home-theater speakers just by reading reviews.

Any and all help is really appreciated!
Here's a longtime favorite of mine in your price range:


The DCM TFE-200s are a really high value speaker, IMO. They are large speakers, but with a narrow baffle that might pass the WAF test. They are avilable in a wood or black veneer.

I heard them in a large conference room at one of the NYC HE shows, driven by a 25 watt/channel Joilda integrated. There was no sense that they could have used more wattage. Everyone in the room was impressed by their open, dynamic sound and full, tight bass. I believe they come with a 30-day return option, too.

If I had the space and a limit of $1K to spend on loudspeakers, I would probably end up with these.
Rrog, there are many sealed box speakers. I not aware of this alleged problem being endemic to these designs. One particular brand of speakers that are reputed to being most sensitive to being over driven, are box-less ESL's. Perhaps, it would be fairer to say that any used speaker might be compromised by being abused/over-driven by the previous user?

Unsound, This is not like over driving an electrostatic speaker and most people would not consider this type of use as abuse.

As always, don't take my word for it. Call Vandersteen Audio and ask if this problem has been resolved.
IMHO, using speakers not specifically designed for such use, with increased volume outside for a party or BBQ, would qualify as abuse. That's a job for something like PA system.

"most people would not consider this type of use as abuse."

I agree with you and I happen to like Vandersteen speakers. I have fond memories of great sounds with Vandersteens, but they do have their limitations.