Speakers or Turntable upgrade

I've been bitten by the upgrade bug.  It's amazing how a small initial thought can snowball.  I found a Clearaudio MM cartridge I forgot I had.  It's been sitting in a drawer for 10 years due to upgrading the cartridge out of the box on my Clearaudio Concept TT.  My thought was to get a cheap TT to mount the cartridge for my office system.

That turned into finding a good deal on a Rega Planar 2 with an ND cartridge.  My other Turntable is a Rega Planar 3 with 2M Bronze.  The Planar 2 got sold which led me to a Planar 3 with an Exact 2, but I didn't want the same TT.  That led to looking at the Planar 6 and 8.  I came to the conclusion that the 6 wouldn't be a big enough jump so I'm looking at a Planar 8 with ND7.  Planar 8 would be my main rig and the Planar 3 would go to the office system.

I'm now looking at $3500 and started thinking if my money would be served better by upgrading my speakers instead.  Sorry for the meandering post.

My system:

Rega Planar 3, Rotel RC 150, Rotel RB-1080, HTPC with DAC.

Speakers: Paradigm Studio 100 v2.  and SVS SB3000 subwoofer

I listen to classic rock, new rock, 80's rock, and metal.  I listen at fairly robust volumes.

Am I better off sticking that money into speakers than upgrading my TT? 




Definitely opt for a new pair of speakers that are highly rated and are very efficient. 

Bit of a philosophical question. I am a big believer of garbage in = garbage out. So if the signal going in to your speaker sux, then the sound coming out will suck. Someone did a survey a while ago, and my GIGO is definitely in the minority. 

@dmk_calgary purist would tell you it's garbage out. Of course most of us who have a mediocre chain, we have to optimize to make the best of OK. To my ears, it still sounds superb. It's garbage by audiophile definition but the best version of garbage.

@grislybutter - ah yes, but think how good your 'garbage' would sound if it had clean(er) garbage coming in.