Speakers sounding dull? MUST READ! The truth about speaker design!

Do your speakers sound dull and lifeless?  Well that's because speakers are not made from real musicians, or even real musical instruments.  Well I alone have a solution for this...




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Ive had more than a few different high end commercial speakers such as B&w, dynaudio to name a few in here to audition. Why dont they ever sound good then? If the speaker designers are so superior why did the speakers sound rubbish? Ive had dynaudio contour 20s here supposedlly one of the finest standmounts on the planet. They were horrific. Explain that then

The anagram for Kinjet is Inkjet. That’s all I need to know. He’s having you on folks. Always has. 
Here’s a conspiracy theory. Kinjet is MillerCarbon’s alter ego. Thoughts?

@erik_squires Your bait taken! 

I think the wheels came off this stuff as soon as it hit the forum. Kind of a waste of time to read any of this other than it seems like a parody of an actual relevant audio discussion. 

@wolf_garcia  ... "...seems like a parody of an actual relevant audio discussion."

Well, it seemed to begin that way....had its' moments, but.... 🤷‍♂️....off & onto the typical rails these 'adventures' either start 'n stay or some unsimilar fashion..

All this conjecture, the who/why/what about it is all good and well But:
What stops the one that knows from obtaining it....?

I've my answer, audio on the quantum level.
Repro so real, it makes your ears drool and mind cease annoying you. ;)

Concrete speaker...*hmm*  3d printed formulated concrète musique....
Size, shape, color(s), texture.....What's your dejure ?  Drive as you see fit or fitful

@erik_squires  ....*L*  +⫪..... 😏

....lately I've been confronted with diy'ing lots' including yours unruly...
(...can't recommend it, but ....as said, 'a change will do you good'....) 🤦‍♂️ * l *