Speakers suggestion that can be driven hard

I have a pair of B&W DM640's. Sound real nice but i have to be real careful with the volume as the tweeter is prone to blowing up. I want to get another set of speakers that I don't have to worry so much about that. i can spend $2000 used. Suggestions?
As Elevick was stating, it doesn't matter what speakers you have; if you're underpowering them, any speaker will fail. It's very hard to ruin a speaker by over driving it, and quite easy to blow a speaker by underpowering it.

Are you sure your amp is powerful enough?
I have decent equipment Audio Research SP8 and Aragon 4004 mkII. I only have blown the tweeter once. It was an accident. i turned on the system and walked away and the volume was just a bit too high and there was a trumpet part that blasted it. I was too late too the volume control to turn it down. It only sounds like there is damage when I play certain passages of certain songs.
As previously stated it was most likely distortion resulting in the blown tweeter rather than too much power into your B&W's... Since you were asking about speaker choice though, Zu Omen's high efficency allow very high sound pressure levels from modest power. If you listen at levels likely to cause the neighbors to complain, consider them or perhaps some of the Klipsch Heritage series speakers if the wide range/no crossover approach is not to you liking. These are well within the budget range you mentioned.
