Speakers that do rock justice ...

I'm looking at buying a pair of PSB Stratus Gold i's due to their ability to play rock music VERY dynamically , but without sounding strained or compressed. Is there any other speaker I may be missing that I should take a look at as well ?
Thank you
many other threads - same subject on agon in the past.

Get some BIG JBLs: L200, L300
Play Jeff Beck Freeway jam and they will make your ears bleed.
consider magnepan 20.1. this speaker is minimally inaccurate, dynamic nad has deep enough bass.
try the non-cone solution. don't follow the herd.
Sorry Mrtennis - I've got the 20.1's biamped with 1400 wpc total power, and I still wouldn't say they are especially dynamic. They are alot of other great things - natural, spacious, tonally balanced, large soundstage - but I would not put dynamic on the top of the list of their strengths. I am still working on though - and with the new custom crossover (on its way), that may open things up a bit. They need A LOT of amplification - be prepared to spend at least as much as the speaker in amplification!
I think your choice of the PSB Stratus Gold is one of the best for the money and your requirements. Wouldn't suggest anything else unless you wanted to spend much more or would be interested in some old orphans like Infinity Kappa or RS series, Dunlavys or Hales. New, at twice the bucks, there are some nicer options.
A lot of people like to play pop/rock on their systems, but that doesn't mean one of the requierments is for the speakers to sound great loud, although it is fun at times. What about speakers that are good at rock, but also sound very good at mid to lower volumes? Also, how come some claim "audiophile" speakers are not good at rock? Is it something about their design or the way they are voiced? From reading the boards and tons of reviews many people with "audiophile" type speakers listen to a lot of rock music too. Why don't these people just go out and get Klipsch, JBLs, Paradigms, or other speakers that are considered "rock" speakers and save some money.