Speakers to pair with a Red Wine Audio Sig 15

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on speakers to pair with a RWA sig 15(budget is around 1500 max ideally less - so we aer probably talking used). I listen to about 80% rock/pop,and about 20% jazz with some electronic and hip hop sprinkled in. My apt is one long space about 13 wide 45 long and 9 tall. The stereo is on the long wall and I listen about 9 ft from my speakers. I have already gotten the following suggestions: Tekton Lore, Lore-S, Omega Super 6 XRS and Zu. I have heard the Zu Omens and it wasn't my cup of tea. I like the Lore-S, electrostatic like mids, great instrument separation and all the instruments and vocals sounded real but I found them just a bit too smooth. I haven't heard the Omegas, stad lore or other Zu speakers(in case this question looks familiar I asked the same question on audiocircle). Thanks.
How about a pair of Klipsch? Cornwalls, Fortes, etc. Replace the tweeter diaphragms (SUPER easy) with the Crites Ti diaphragm and the crossovers with the Crites replacements and you'll have a very smooth, very dynamic, very efficient speaker, for not a lot of money.
Perhaps the above is a better title. Although I should mention that I am not that interested in concert level SPLs. Only that the music sound good.
Sorry, guess it doesn't let you change the subject header.
I thought "High Efficiency Rock Speakers" would be a better title.
You may want to listen to the standard Lore if possible. The version you heard, Lore-S, is supposed to be more "refined" and "audiophile." The standard Lore is said to be more "lively."