My best friend had Spectral gear. It was seriously unreliable. So bad that he switched over to Mcintosh! He has developed tinnitus with some hearing loss so reliability has become more important to him than the highest sound quality.
Next, Dan D'Agostino is a jerk of immense proportion. He couldn't care less about his customers and has no intention of standing behind his products. I owned Krell gear in the 80's. KMA 100 amps and Ref 2 preamplifier. It was great sounding stuff. The volume pot in the Ref 2 started getting scratchy. At about the same time the above mentioned friend and I went to the New York Hi FI show late 80's early 90s and bumped into Dan so I asked him how much it would cost to have the preamp repaired. The pot he used was a custom job and so many of them had failed that he ran out of spares. He had no intention of placing another order for them as there was a minimum more expensive than he cared to spend. With a smile he told me to go to radio shack and pick up a pot and mount it on the outside of the preamp. The preamp was so low profile that no standard pot would fit. This was a $6000 preamp in 1986 or so. His Marketing said "Last a Lifetime." My backside.
Next, Dan D'Agostino is a jerk of immense proportion. He couldn't care less about his customers and has no intention of standing behind his products. I owned Krell gear in the 80's. KMA 100 amps and Ref 2 preamplifier. It was great sounding stuff. The volume pot in the Ref 2 started getting scratchy. At about the same time the above mentioned friend and I went to the New York Hi FI show late 80's early 90s and bumped into Dan so I asked him how much it would cost to have the preamp repaired. The pot he used was a custom job and so many of them had failed that he ran out of spares. He had no intention of placing another order for them as there was a minimum more expensive than he cared to spend. With a smile he told me to go to radio shack and pick up a pot and mount it on the outside of the preamp. The preamp was so low profile that no standard pot would fit. This was a $6000 preamp in 1986 or so. His Marketing said "Last a Lifetime." My backside.