spend on the streamer or on the DAC ?

I a considering splashing north of 5000 (euro) for a new source for my rig (MOOON 340i, OPERA QUINTA speaker, McIntosh SACD, Node2). Better to spend more for the DAC or the streamer ? I was thinking about a Schitt yggrasil.Or would it make sense to spalsh on a more expensive DAC and use the Node2 as a streamer, or, for that matter, stream from my Macbook Pro. Regards.
The Simaudio products with MiND streamer and DAC in one are great!  The MiND software is great or you can step up to Roon if you like.  There are great sonic benefits of having the streamer and DAC in one unit - very short connection with no cables required. 
Bottom line answer to the OP: both streamer and DAC are important on a digital setup.
Real story: I local guy on a local group kept complaining how bad his digital system sounded compared to his Analog setup. I know he spent over $2,000 on a cartridge alone. So I asked him what he used for streaming, as a streamer. He said his laptop. Because these are zeroes and one, if there is sound coming out, it works. Oh well... no crap. 
Hello OP,  I started with the Node 2 as  streamer and DAC; it got me into streaming and sounded ok.  Upgraded to PS Audio Direct Stream with Bridge (streamer); Better!.  Then I upgraded to Auralic Vega G2 DAC and Streamer; Better Yet!
Now I have recently upgraded to the Mola Mola Tambaqui Streamer and DAC; Wow Amazing!  I hear that it can be improved with a separate streamer, but it is sooo good as combo! And a value to be a world class DAC with Streamer and multiple inputs.  That is my opinion!  Ken
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Hey @dannad: you seem knowledgeable dude. Very curious: what is YOUR streamer and DAC? Thanks