How interesting that you bought the Spendors! That's a real change from the Devore sound!
I like owning more than one speaker to have more than one flavour of sound available.
As for Thiels: when Thiel introduced the 3.7 flagship speaker, with the completely re-designed flat midrange etc, they finally nailed the sound.Open and alive but no brightness emphasis, smooth as silk, and still the most coherent sound I've heard from a dynamic speaker.
My 2.7s, with my CJ amps, produce a sound that is almost dead in between a Devore O speaker and a Spendor (or similarly more precise/neutral speaker). The Thiels produce super precise, dense imaging, huge deep wide soundstaging, but without the hard mechanically squeezed sound of some speakers. They manage a balance of being precise, yet full and lush.
Admittedly I still wonder sometimes how the O/96s would have sounded in my room as I really liked those speakers too. But then as you know I bought Joseph Perspectives, and those have been wonderful in their own way too.