Spendor D9.2 vs Proac D48r

Has anyone been able to listen to both and able to provide some feedback or comparisons ? They seem to be both highly regarded and competitors. I mostly listen to rock and blues and use a Bryston 14b3 power amp.

Any feedback is appreciated as auditioning right now isn't possible
I own the D48R and love them. I have not listened to the D9.2, but compared the D7 to the ProAc D30RS. The Spendor sounds good to, but my choice was the ProAcs. You should try to audition both the speakers. Your Bryston will drive them both effortlessly.
Thanks.  We are in COVID restriction here, so curbside pickup only for consumer products right now, so auditioning isn't an option.  Do you find the 48s need a big room ?  Would they be too bass boomy for a small-mid sized room (say 12x15) ?
Let me be super honest and tell you that both the D48R and D9.2 would be a disaster in that sized room. You should look for the D30RS or D7.2 instead.
I listened to the Proac D30rs and Spendor D7.2 almost back to back, and preferred the Spendor, Proac sounded slower and not as extended by comparison. Spendor D series has the sparkle while maintaining the Spendor midrange magic