Spendor D9.2 vs Proac D48r

Has anyone been able to listen to both and able to provide some feedback or comparisons ? They seem to be both highly regarded and competitors. I mostly listen to rock and blues and use a Bryston 14b3 power amp.

Any feedback is appreciated as auditioning right now isn't possible
Thanks.  We are in COVID restriction here, so curbside pickup only for consumer products right now, so auditioning isn't an option.  Do you find the 48s need a big room ?  Would they be too bass boomy for a small-mid sized room (say 12x15) ?
Let me be super honest and tell you that both the D48R and D9.2 would be a disaster in that sized room. You should look for the D30RS or D7.2 instead.
I listened to the Proac D30rs and Spendor D7.2 almost back to back, and preferred the Spendor, Proac sounded slower and not as extended by comparison. Spendor D series has the sparkle while maintaining the Spendor midrange magic 
+1 milpai
Both those speakers are too big for that size room. You would be better off with a small stand mount type. Spendor, Proac, Harbeth, ATC, etc., make some outstanding ones that would be a good fit. BTW, my friend has the D48R and they are a great speaker, but he has them in a much larger room than yours!!
(((Would they be too bass boomy for a small-mid sized room (say 12x15) ?))) I disagree, and have made the Proac D48rs work in small rooms with satisfying results .Its true that full range speakers can become heavy in a smaller room placed close to a corner or boundary. When measuring the bass can be up 10 to 12 DB at the rooms 80HZ peak in the listing position. Fix 1, Moving the speakers and chair around until you find it is best . 2 if you want to bring the bass down more you can sponge the ports. 3, finally if you need to pull it down more we use a  DBS variable high pass installed at the amp adjust to preference.The D48Rs when set up correctly have the unique ability to get the power response and tonal expression of guitar tone so right its worth the effort . One listen to Pink Floyd s David Gilmore's playing on Division bell fixed me right up.  
  Best, JohnnyR Proac dealer over 25 years