Spendor, Harbeth...why so hot ?

I never had chance to listen them and compaire. But it appear that these speakers have very vocal crowd praising them. What are the advantages of these speakers versus equvalent B&W or Dynaudio? How they sound?
I had a the Spendor 1/2's hooked to my system for a short time also, very short, like an hour maybe. I admit they were not set in any optimum position or on any great stands, but just as Dan stated, I thought they were overrated, they did nothing for me.
I am not surprised at some of your negative experiences. The "natural" voicing I commented on is not for everyone. With so many speakers that have a "forward" flavoring in use today, the initial impression can be that this sound is a bit dead, flat, or leaving detail behind. (I never found my C7ES that way, even right out of the box.) It may take several days of listening to really appreciate what is happening with the BBC monitors. This sound is not for everyone...say if, during a concerto, it is really fun for you to hear someone in the third row break wind, there are better choices. With the Harbeth C7ES, I giggle because I can smell it, it becomes that real. [:)]

I'm sure plenty of people who don't like this style speaker have built some wonderful sytems that I would enjoy. To each his own.

Take care,

Charlie, they're talking about Spendors. Nobody will ever find the Harbeth Compact 7 dead, flat or lacking detail. But you're right that they are not designed to call attention to themselves, just to the performers you've invited into your listening room.
Charlie: would that be the woodwind section? It's been a long time since I have attended a concert or played in band.