SQ of Hegel H390 on-board DAC?

Are any of you H390 owners opting to use its on-board DAC

and if so, how would you describe its sonic presentation?



Just bought it.

It's supposed to ship Monday. 

After all I've read, I'm very much looking forward to hearing it! 


I have listened to the h390 on several occasions and I am quite sure that you are going to be very happy with it presentation and musicality. Speakers used were Harbeth, SonusFaber and Dynaudio C1. Congratulations 🎊 


Thanks for the positive reinforcement.

Musicality is crucial !   

My speakers are Silverline SR 17.5 monitors and are definitely on the warm side.


I am a Hegel dealer and have had a 390 here. The onboard DAC will be more forward than the very warm Aqua. The clean and precise sound of the Hegel does not add brightness so this will be a good step forward without getting crazy bright.