Squeaking/Paper Crinkling Noise Coming from Lamm LL2.1

Can someone suggest what the problem may be? Hearing noises in quiet passages and with no source playing through my Lamm LL2.1. 

Noises are equal in both channels. I've swapped out all the tubes. Replaced the cables. Still happening. Doesn't change with volume level. 

Ugh. Lamm is so bad with repairs. 


Follow up:

The sound was caused by a Raspberry Pi streamer that was nearby. It caused the sound when it wasn’t even connected to the Lamm. Selling that streamer right now.

I had a similar problem once with a tube preamp. Static-like noise. Put in backup tubes, still noise. Had to ship preamp back across country to the builder. Problem was with a small inexpensive capacitor. Quickly fixed. Prior to this I already had a backup preamp (and amp, speakers and cartridge). Gotta have those backup components! Also, I recorded the static with the phone up against the speaker and played it over a call to the builder prior to sending the preamp. It helped trouble shoot the issue before I even shipped it per the builder.

Call Signature Sound he’s a very nice guy and is open minded to all gear. I asked if I had a problem with my Audio Hungary integrated amp would he look at it and said he would if it needed to be fixed. He is very knowledgeable, can’t hurt to call. There was no repair center in USA and amp would need to be sent back to Hungary and shipping was insane. There located in New York state. 

Unfortunately that's not how Lamm works. Not really available and if you send it in for repair (because there are no authorized service people as far as I've been able tell) it take 2-3 months.

yes call Lamm like Joey_v says.  Clean the tube socket and tube pins.  Can be a capacitor or bad solder joint like mentioned above. 

Noises are equal in both channels.

Could be the power supply, since both channels are sharing it.

Could be a cold solder joint.

Could be a dirty corroded tube socket female contact(s). Coupled with poor contact pressure between tube socket female contact(s) to male tube pin(s).


Very low noise tubes from Brent Jessee. Also, there's no way if I replaced all the tubes even with less low noise tubes, the exact same sound would be coming out. Something would change.

No other tubes. Just Herron M1A monos. 

Can it be some other electronic component like a capacitor?

Thought it was a noisy tube too. Replaced all the tubes and the sound was exactly the same, so that's not the problem.

Tubes from Lamm? Some preamps are very sensitive to noisy tubes, even good quality brand new tubes. Sometimes you need to select only the finest low noise tubes and even then you can get one that doesn't work. The sound you describe sounds just like what happen in my CJ preamp. I'm out of ideas unless you have some other tubes upstream?. 

Thought it was a noisy tube too. Replaced all the tubes and the sound was exactly the same, so that's not the problem.

The amps are solid state but the sound goes away when the Lamm is muted or off so it's not related to the amps.