I would seriously consider a Blue Circle Integrated. I switched from all Joule to BC with my Merlins and could not be happier. I would look at maybe the DAR integrated a 6sn7 Hybrid (SS output stage) - and if you need a Phono Pre added in, just ask - Gilbert is GREAT at custom stuff. Or maybe talk to Bob Neill about a FtTh Integrated - 6922 pre, SS outputs, (hybrid) and external power supply (you might be able to upgrade to GZPZ later on). The Blue Circle stuff is the only SS that beat the Joule (la150mk2 and 100otl at their own game) especially in terms of the PRaT BC does in spades, and the huge soundstage it makes the Merlins throw... and big bass to boot out of the VSM-MXe's... esp with Tg Audio Cables (over Cardas Golden Ref)