Okay with all the new stand mount loudspeakers out there which ones specifically should I audition for a smaller room? Please give details. Thanks!!!! I'll be looking at a whole new system so I'll be matching the rest of the system to the speakers I choose.
Room size 15x 12 8 ft ceilings. Undecided about subs. Type of music, all kinds. Price range to $15000.00. System preferences, wide and deep soundstage, Good piano, violin and great female voices and NO head in a vice.
Why are you limiting yourself to stand mounts? Many tower speakers take up no more square footage than a monitor on a stand. Totem Forest for example. As to "all kinds" of music - most people favor certain kinds of music and so do most speakers. If you are willing to go that high, I would try to score a pair of used Magico Q1s. They are fantastic when paired with the right electronics.
One more post in favor of towers/floorstanders - they are less likely to fall off or fall over if there are pets or kids involved. I'm not saying they NEVER fall and there are some that are very susceptible to being tipped, but nowhere near as easy as standmounts (unless the speaker is secured to the stand).
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