Stands or feet for Thiel 3.6

I am using Thiel 3.6's with the factory spiked feet on a berber carpet over a 2nd story wood floor. The speakers are still a bit tippy. Does anyone have any experience with any of these options:

1) Sound Anchor stands for Thiel 3.6 ($235/pr)
2) Sistrum stands (SP-004) ($370/pr)
3) Substituting brass feet for factory spiked feet - Audio points by Bright Star, 1.2AP-THLS (these slip into the factory spike holes) ($160 to do all 6 spikes).
4) other products . . . ?

Many thanks for any advice you would have.
Sistrum platforms under my Dunlavy's made a huge difference. I have a friend with Thiel CS3's the Sistrum platforms made such a difference that he decided not to sell these speakers. That was two years ago. Another friend upgraded his 3.6's by replacing the factory steel points with the brass Audiopoints. He was very pleased by the gain in clarity and improvements of bass pitch and speed.
I have the Thiel 3.6's. You're right. They are a bit tippy with the factory supplied spikes. Then I got the Sound Anchor stands. What a difference! The Thiel's definitely benefit from a solid foundation. The imaging is much tighter and cleaner. The bass is less boomy. I would highly recommend the Sound Anchors.

I toured the Thiel plant recently. Some of the people there also recommend using the Sound Anchors stands.
I have tried the 1.2APs, also on Berber carpets/2nd story wood floors. Yes, they are more stable than the factory spikes. But, I perfer the spikes over the APs. BTW, using the brass APs are not as simple as slipping the points in the factory holes. The points must be against the wood of the speakers, which means you must first remove the plastic groumets. Robert at Sistrum claims the Sistrum platforms bettered the APs ten fold. But, using these platforms would make the speakers even more "tipsy". I have not heard the Thiels with the sound anchors, but have heard them with B&W 802s & 801s, they are great.
Took my pair of my Sistrum Sp004's to my friends house who has Thiel 3.6's. He is currently using the Audiopoints. The Sp004's under his 3.6's made a very noticeable improvement in all areas. We had to use the apcd disc between the top points and the wood bottom of the speaker. The discs gave that little bit of extra clearance we needed. I use the dics between wood surfaces anyway, I think it sounds better. They are very stable. Especially if you place the platform on the floor and stand on it . This weight pushes the points thru the carpet and into the surface below. Caution do not stand on the points!
Hi Gnobber, please give the Sistrum speaker platforms a try. Maybe someone, someday will build a better mouse trap. Until then the performance with these platforms may be the best investment you could make with the possible exception of moving up to the next level Thiel has to offer. I do not know if you will get the same results on wood floors as i have concrete. Theaudiotweak or Robert at Starsound could be much more helpful than myself how these platforms perform on wood floors. I have loaned out my platforms, i have referred some to Robert for a 30 day trial. Not one who has tried these platforms(if they fit)could believe what the improvement in soundstaging, dynamics, an ease or a lack of effort that was easy to hear. As you can tell i am a big fan of these Platforms. Take the 30 day trial and find out what you hear. Your opinion is the only one that matters. Having heard some of the other well regarded speaker stands and platforms i found much to be desired in comparison. Just trying to be helpful. I have nothing to do with Starsound. As far as being a bit tipsy because the platforms have a three point design, i have a couple ideas that will help. Best to you in your search for that stand that stands apart from the rest.