Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Madfloyd,if you are using the measuring cup to add the proper amount of water to the steamer,try adding about half,it seems there is more room inside the steamer for more steam to buildup,just a suggestion.
I may be wrong (Stltrains correct me if I am) but I always assumed that Stltrains got a little distracted by talking, filiming and steaming at the same time. If you pay close attention and use a watch, I think he says steam for 10-15 seconds or something like that but then actually runs the steamer for over 30 sec while demonstrating. I've been under the assumption that he didn't mean to run it that long. Just hard to do two things at once. I've been doing about 15 seconds or so and it seems to work fine.
I wonder if I my steamer is simply a dud. I guess for $15 I can try buying another.

Another question: I'm still confused about rinsing - not the logic behind it but this: wouldn't another steam blast be just as good of a rinse?
Madfloyd : May I ask what brand of Steam Cleaner are you using and is it under warrenty ?

PS Hanna Talk: Lots of Wind & Rain to the North of me most power is out but I'm doing well in Cub Hill, MD (our lines underground , most trannies on ground) .
Stevieboy : No problem. Welcome to the WorldWide Steam Cleaning Club. S, one "Q" do you have a good source for distilled or what is referred to a "Super-Water" ??