Thanks to all who responded. I realize this is at the level more likely to be in a bedroom or office setup for most of you, but your feedback is greatly appreciated. Marantz, Denon, & NAD don't have any stereo receivers that also include a phono input. They do have multi-channel options, but it seems like a bad idea to pay for amp channels that will never be used when that money could go towards better components in the two channels needed. I also realize an integrated amp would sound better for the same reason and told her as such, but she's pretty set on keeping the tuner even despite the availability of streaming internet radio... presumably in case of a zombie apocalypse or something.
I did see that Onkyo offered some options but figured the mass market Yamaha & Onkyo would likely offer a similar sound quality though perhaps slightly different character...wasn't sure if the Cambridge & Outlaw products might offer superior sound quality since they are at least a bit less of a feature laden product and at least claim to cater more towards the sound quality first market. Wish I could hear them in person to compare, but figured some of you probably had.
Sorry I don't have details on the speakers or old model being replaced...I realize that is vital info and hopefully she can get back to me with those details. Thanks again!