@ricevs What you are describing for the 8c ' Extreme' is certainly interesting. I already have the 8c; however, I would be interested in knowing if Bruce would be willing, at a minimum, to provide a neodymium mid range panel replacement. Please keep us posted.
What will be the benefits of the neodymium upgrade? The lighter weight of the neo is moot as the moving part is the mylar in a planar system. Will the more power magnetic field generated translate into more clarity and detail?
@bdp24 It certainly would be informative to listen to your set up vs 8c. The main difference being DSP vs electronic x-over. But as @mijostyn mentioned you are a purist on this issue. While I don't always agree with @mijostyn, especially his adamant refusal to accept the merits of under slung tonearm ( he he ), digital signal conversion, even on analog source, is something I have come to accept. I don't understand why it works, but......
@ieales The timeline of your 8b upgrade around 2021-2022 coincided with Bruce's upgrade work on the 8c. Did he mentioned anything to you about it? It seems such a coincidence!