Stick a fork in Dylan, he's done.

Well maybe not as quite as Burton Cummings(LOL), but you have to admit his voice is gone along with subject matter. I'm sure he does. However I think he has produced a couple of top notch compositions of late. I'm a serious fan but his latest leaves something to be desired imo. I'm interested to know which couple of albums you think were his best of all. Mine are "Oh Mercy" and "Under The Red Sky". I'm impressed that imo, he peaked out that late in his career.
I went to a Rolling Thunder show and fell asleep about a third of the way through it (very boring, to be kind). Don't get the impression I'm a hater, I enjoy a lot of Dylan's music.
Maybe I’m losing track of the time intervals between new Dylan albums but here lately it seems every time I turn around Dylan’s got something new to offer. I just bought “Tempest” and IMO it’s just OK.
dylan's the best-ever lyricist who's earned his critical reverence, but it's time tell the emperor he has no clothes. personally, i rarely feel compelled to listen to his post "blonde on blonde" stuff, the overrated-but-still-great "blood on the tracks" excepted. i found "tempest" baffling and unlistenable--when i was listening to it in the car the kids were actually threatening to jump out into traffic.
"Blood on the Tracks" and "Blonde on Blonde" are classics, if I had to pick only two. Dylan's voice may not be what it once was, but c'mon, anyone who says they buy Dylan albums for his voice is joking. It's the lyrics, the lyrics! BTW, I am a huge Dylan fan and really like nearly all of his material.